I often watch track & field on television. On the longer running events, I’ve noticed that there will sometimes be an individual who appears to be a regular participant but he starts off much faster than the other runners. After a pre-determined distance this individual will drop out of the race and the other participants will continue running. This person who helps set the pace has come to be known as the rabbitt.

Of course, this also makes one think of the tale of “The Tortoise and the Hare”. The hare was faster but his over-confidence coupled with the slow, steady progress of the tortoise resulted in the hare losing the race.

This may remind you of someone you have known – your high school friend who had everything: car, looks and intelligence. Fast forward a decade and the same person has no transportation, is bald, missing several teeth and is in and out of rehab.

Another observation from watching track & field is that races are often won and lost at the very, very end as the runners lean to cross the finish line first. The smallest increments of time can separate them.

Two questions for you:

1) Are you the rabbitt in life who set the pace by starting off strong and have now faded?

2) Are you forgetting that you need to finish the race strong and lean forward as you cross the finish line?

Finish the race strong!